Audubon Chapter Minneapolis reflects on equity, diversity and inclusion

Ruby-crowned Kinglet Photo: Keith Olstad

We, as elected members of the Audubon Chapter of Minneapolis (ACM) board, condemn the institutional racism and injustices that led to the murder of George Floyd in our city. We condemn the racism that led to a white woman calling the police on Christian Cooper while he was birding in Central Park, NYC.

We recognize that racism, white privilege and injustice are real in Minneapolis and in our birding community. We apologize that we have remained deaf to the voices of black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) and LGBTQ+ individuals in our larger birding community — not intentionally, but nevertheless in ways that have been hurtful. 

Our BIPOC friends are telling us they don't feel safe while birding. That police cars follow them. That they carry binoculars like a shield and wear birding gear that says “I belong here.” 

Going forward we pledge to actively listen and learn what changes we should make in our board and membership so that we reflect, welcome and serve our entire community. We will examine how our programs, messages and field trips may unintentionally create barriers between ACM and BIPOC and LGTBQ+ birders and nonbirders and how we can remove these barriers. We will willingly ask hard questions and challenge each other to create a more inclusive, equitable and diverse organization.

To share any experiences you personally have had, as well as your ideas, suggestions and feedback, please email our board vice chair, Amy Simso Dean, at


Keith Olstad, Chair

Amy Simso Dean, Vice Chair

Irene Bueno Padilla

Katie Burns

Wilmer Fernandez

David Hartwell

Ann Laughlin

Constance Pepin

Siah St. Clair

Marian Weidner

Sam West


Tribute in Light, Birds in Flight


birding for beginners